Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WHY IS MARIJUANA illegal and LIQUOR legal?Growing MARIJUANA is one of the most purest and exciting and interesting science there is.Liquor is just processed.HUH?

Why is MARIJUANA illegal and LIQUOR legal? Liquor stores are everywhere. GROWING MARIJUANA should be everywhere too.WHY you ask? Well, lets see*MARIJUANA vs LIQUOR* the causes of personal death from liquor every year are about 85,000
let alone how many sober people get killed from DRUNKS each year, that's another 16,000 on avg. The causes of personal death each year from MARIJUANA  are 0. That's right 0.   The causes of death to other people from MARIJUANA intoxicated individuals is 0 again. Wow. That's funny.Nobody has ever died from smoking too much POT. Cant say that about alcohol. Next, you can smoke and drive as much as you want, you might be driving a little "slow" but then again, when did that hurt anybody. Can't say that about alcohol either. You cant drink as much as you want and drive you will KILL yourself or an innocent bystander. The facts are proven and the government knows it...Next, MARIJUANA actually increase's ability to learn and concentrate. Alcohol, makes you dizzy, unable to remember, impairs judgment, and vision if intake is enough, makes you violent while intoxicated and after, if you become dependable. MARIJUANA increases your visions ability, makes you think 5 or 6 times before you react or do something and, we all know it does NOT make us violent in anyway, in fact just makes us more friendly and peaceful with the world and everyone around us. Probably start saying hello to everyone on the street, calling friends and family on the phone making jokes and laughing. Also if you become dependent all that happens is you actually concentrate better until you smoke it or 10 times better when you do. Can not say this about alcohol either.nope.

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